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How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Caring for your teeth is very important and can help to ensure that they last for a long time. While you can take all precautions and care when it comes to your teeth, there are situations when a tooth needs to be extracted. If this does occur, you should have them replaced. When you do need to replace some teeth, getting dental implants could be a great option.

What are dental implants?

The dental implants are a permanent solution that can provide you with an artificial tooth that is just as durable as your natural teeth. At the same time, they are designed to match the rest of your teeth, which can improve your smile as well. The dental implants are made of a very durable titanium alloy material and are drilled directly into your jaws. This will then allow them to bond with your jaw bone and gums.

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Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

A lot of people are good candidates for dental implants. The dental implants are a great option for anyone that would like to have a permanent solution for their dental issues. However, to have these work for you, it is important that you have healthy gums and jaw bones. If your jaw is not strong enough, drilling into it is likely a bad idea. Also, if you only need to replace one tooth or molar, getting a dental bridge may be a more efficient option.

How Long can Dental Implants Last?

When you get dental implants, you can expect that they will last for a very long time. Overall, people expect that the dental implants will last for at least 25 years as long as they are treated well. When you have implants, you essentially need to care for them in the same fashion that you would care for your natural teeth. This includes brushing and flossing them on a regular basis. You should come to see a dentist on a regular basis to have them examined.

When you are looking for a solution for an extracted tooth, dental implants can be a great option. If you think these could be right for you, it would be a good idea to contact us at Hollywood DDS. When you do contact us here, you can be assured that our friendly team will be able to answer your questions and schedule an appointment for you with Dr. Artour Khachatrian.

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