Dental Implants

Even with advanced dental care, a lot of people are still at high risk of losing their teeth. Missing teeth can not only impact a person’s appearance, but they can also make chewing and speaking difficult, altering one’s livelihood. Could you or your friend be missing one or more teeth? If so, dental implants can be used to replace missing teeth and restore your natural smile.

Dr. Artour Khachatrian is a reputable dentist at Hollywood DDS and has this to say when it comes to dental implants.

What is a Dental Implant?

According to Dr. Artour, a dental implant is a prosthetic root that used to replace a natural tooth root. It provides support to permanent or removable replaced teeth that are designed to look like your natural teeth.

Why do you need Dental Implants?

Dental implants can significantly improve your appearance as well as your speech. Dental implants are attached firmly into the jaw bone, providing replacement teeth with enough support. Because replacement teeth can hardly slip off, you become comfortable while chewing and eating. Their longevity is promising. With proper oral care, dental implants can last a lifetime.

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Who is a good candidate for Dental Implants?

Most often, individuals with proper general and oral health that can withstand routine dental surgery can be considered as an ideal candidate for implants. The jaw bone should also be bigger and stronger enough to hold the implants. These patients must also be committed to observe good oral care and make routine visits to their dentists for check-ups. Dr. Khachatrian advises those with underlying chronic diseases such as coronary infections and diabetes, heavy smokers, or patient who have ever had upper radiation therapy to consult with their specialist first before the procedure is initiated.

What happens during the procedure for Dental Implants?

The procedure of installing dental implants occurs in several phases;

First, the implant is positioned on the place of a missing tooth, screwed into the jawbone, and then gum cover is applied. The implant screw also has an internal screw thread where replacement materials are attached to. The implant is given time for the bone surrounding it to grow. In about three months, clients resume for artificial tooth installation. Although some people can have the implant and artificial tooth installed the same day, the three-month wait is worth to ensure the implant is stable.

Do you have any questions concerning dental implants? If so, don’t hesitate to contact our offices in [ City, State], and one of the staff will respond to your query.

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